Comedy and Love
So I’ve been reading “Wired,” the book on John Belushi which was written a couple years after his death. I think there really is something to the myth about comics and mental issues or at least that comics are often miserable or unhappy (in a related…note MOST of my stand up act is hyperbole).
When I did a stand up routine this past week at a local comedy club it was mentioned several times by numerous people that it took “balls” to get up on stage and put yourself out there for possible ridicule. Yes it does! Comedy is unique in that results are instantaneous. Sometime those results are extremely painful as witnessed by another Open Mic participant on Wednesday night.
The same thing can be said about love. You put yourself out there and there’s no happy medium…when it fails, its horrific but when it works it’s the GREATEST HIGH you can imagine!
I’m not a Chemist, but I would think the same endorphins that are released when you laugh are present when you are in love. In another book I just read on comedy, there was this quote, “The laughter of the female is the critical index of the health of a relationship.”
That’s deep…but if you think about it makes all the sense in the world.